Web Hosting Knowledge Base

Hosting and Websites

What is Redis Object Caching and How to use it for WordPress? - 2MHost.com
How to manage a WordPress website when WordPress is inaccessible? - 2MHost.com
How to import Wordpress installations into WordPress Manager - 2MHost.com
Fix: "Your website is running on an outdated version of PHP" in WordPress - 2MHost.com
I would like to host web sites for other people, if i were to upgrade to the BUSINESS X2 hosting plan can I have 10 different hosted websites? - 2MHost.com
Do I need to use Wordfence on my WordPress website? - 2MHost.com
How to install Laravel on shared hosting? - 2MHost.com
How to setup PHPMailer to send e-mail via SMTP in cPanel hosting? - 2MHost.com
What is my server host name and IP address? - 2MHost.com
How to modify PHP variables like memory_limit? - 2MHost.com
How to upgrade (or change) PHP version for my website? - 2MHost.com
What is the difference between Subdomains, Aliases and Addon Domains? - 2MHost.com
SSL installed; website still show as insecure!? - 2MHost.com
How can I upgrade/downgrade my hosting to another package? - 2MHost.com
How to enable HTTP/2 on my website? - 2MHost.com
Using GIT with cPanel shared hosting - 2MHost.com
How to check if my connection is blocked by server firewall? - 2MHost.com
How to install wildcard SSL Certificate in my website? - 2MHost.com
Is it possible to install an SSL certificate on an add-on domain? - 2MHost.com
How to force Wordpress website to run from HTTPS / SSL? - 2MHost.com
How to edit .htaccess (or any other hidden files) using cPanel file manager - 2MHost.com
What is cPanel and how to access it - 2MHost.com
Load website using SSL (HTTPs) by default - 2MHost.com
Install and test Wordpress website before pointing your domain - 2MHost.com