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What is Redis Object Caching and How to use it for WordPress?
Hosting and Websites
Backup Upgrade: from twice weekly to Daily backup.
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How to manage a WordPress website when WordPress is inaccessible?
Hosting and Websites
How to import Wordpress installations into WordPress Manager
Website Hosting: How-To
Fix: "Your website is running on an outdated version of PHP" in WordPress
Hosting and Websites
I would like to host web sites for other people, if i were to upgrade to the BUSINESS X2 hosting plan can I have 10 different hosted websites?
Billing and Accounting
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Identify Wordpress performance issues using PHP X-ray
Website Hosting: How-To
Imunify360 security suite now integrated in your 2MHost cPanel
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My Email does not work after server migration
PHP 8.4 Released
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What is my server host name and IP address?
Hosting and Websites
How do I point my domain to the 2MHost web server (change DNS)?
Domain Management