Web Hosting Knowledge Base / Website Hosting: How-To

How to fix "This Site Has Been Moved to a New Server"

After servers migration, You may still see the following message when you visit your website.

That means you still show your website from the old server, there are 2 possibilities:

  1. The migration just completed few minutes ago and your internet connection or browser are still caching the IP address of the old server, to fix that you need to clear DNS cache.
  2. You are not using our name servers (DNS) to point your domain to our hosting servers, instead, you are pointing the domain to server IP address, you do that for example when if you are using CloudFlare. In this case, you need to point your domain to the correct IP address, to get the new IP address please review latest announcements regarding server migration in 2MHost admin area.

Last update: Oct 01, 2020 11:57